Sunday, January 13, 2008

IQ Test

I took an I. Q. test today, and my score was 119. that means that I am above average, not a genius, but smarter than alot of people.

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

I am the character of Elrond.

if i was a video game character I would be:

I am a Defender-ship.I am fiercely protective of my friends and loved ones, and unforgiving of any who would hurt them. Speed and foresight are my strengths, at the cost of a little clumsiness. I'm most comfortable with a few friends, but sometimes particularly enjoy spending time in larger groups.
What Video Game Character Are You?

My love test results:

1. The road represents your attitude towards falling in love.
You chose the short road--you fall in love quickly and easily.
2. The number of red roses represents how much you give in a relationship, while the number of white represents what you expect in return.
You give 50% and expect 50% in return.
3. This question represents your attitude towards handling relationship problems.
You asked the family member to get your significant other--you like to avoid problems and hope that they will solve themselves.
4. The placement of the roses determines how much you like to see your boy/girlfriend.
You want to place the roses on the bed--you like to see him/her a lot.
5. This represents your attitude towards his/her personality.
You prefer the person to be asleep--you love the person as the way s/he is.
6. The road to home tells how long you stay in love with someone.
You chose the longer road--you will tend to stay in love for a long time.
That's all folks. Best wishes to those who are in love.

My personality fruit is Banana:

You have selected banana.
You are a softie! Loving, gentle, warm and sympathetic by nature is the banana lover. You often lack in self-confidence and are quite timid by nature. People often take advantage of your sweet temperedness, and sheer vulnerability to a situation. You adore your partner in every which way, both for their mental and physical beauty! Because of the way you are, your relationship is always, very much in harmony!

My princess bride personality is:


Which Princess Bride Character are You?
this quiz was made by mysti
My Lord of the rings personality:
You are most like Frodo. You're very friendly, and you have a great personality. Although you like to have fun, you can also be pretty serious at times. It's pretty hard to get you mad, but once you're mad...everybody better look out! Keep that temper under control and realize that you're better off than you may think.
Well, thats all for now caio!

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