Monday, April 6, 2009

School is Cool!


So far I have learned Visual Basic, (which I pretty much already knew), And Java.  Right now I am Taking Java II and Visual C#.  Java and C# are pretty close to the same language structure, so I am doing good in those classes.  A- last module! 

Well Got to run, So cya!


Michael said...

Hey Brett! I didn't realize that you were still posting here. That's pretty cool. I'm glad that I checked.

By the way, good luck to you in your computer classes. Are you working on a degree in Computer Science? If so, Java and C# are an excellent way to go... especially Java. And as for C++, it has been around a couple of decades now, and is probably the most established, mature high-level language in active use today.

When you compare salaries, skilled C++ probably pull in the highest paychecks, but Java is neck to neck with C++ when comparing the most popular languages. C++ and Java are the two most-used languages, and probably the best route to go as far as learning languages. Visual Basic is fine, but it is mostly used in the industry for developing prototype applications when under a time crunch.

C++ is oriented towards application development, and includes everything from client software in networks, multimedia and gaming, and professional applications. It also allows for more advanced programming, including pointer arithmetic, tie-in's with Assembly routines, and memory management. You have the most control with C++ of any language out there that I am aware of, and have the ability to go down further, and deeper, than most other languages.

Java is perfectly capable of being used for desktop applications, and there are many successful applications. In fact, we use Rational at work, which is IBM's implementation of a highly configurable IDE interface for program development; it is written entirely in JAVA. But Java is especially popular for handling back-end logic on the web. Most Servers running Server logic that generate dynamic web pages and commerce store fronts use either Java or PHP. Java is more robust, secure, and seasoned than php, and it offers most of the power that C++ offers. Yet it is also easier to use overall, since Java is fully object-oriented, unlike C++ which is a half step towards object oriented, but got stuck somewhere between the procedural C language, and pseudo object oriented. Also, Java has automatic memory management, though you can still manage it yourself if you really want it to. And a lot of the nasty pointer stuff that gets programmers into trouble when writing C++ code does not exist with Java.

Although I like C++ a lot, working with Java for the past two years at my current job has realy sold me on it. I'm more right-brained anyway, so my creative orientation thinks more naturely in an object-oriented world. C# is a good example of object oriented, and in fact is very similar to Java in structure. Good ole' Microsoft, cashing in on Sun Microsystem's ideas. ;-) Although to be honest, everything in computer hardware and software builds on past concepts and break-through's.

At any rate, didn't mean for this to be such a long post. Good luck in your schooling, and let me know how things are going. :-)

Michael said...

Hey Brett, I'm afraid I don't update my blog too often. It's set as public right now, so I try not to get overly personal on it, but more stay with other interests, such as computers, technology, some politics, etc.

If you would like to get a more daily idea of my life, my blog is kept in the form of a journal on "LIVE JOURNAL." I've been posting to it since shortly after Celeste was born.

If you are interested in reading most of my posts, feel free to create a LiveJournal acocunt ( You don't have to feel obligated to post anything there, since you already maintain two blogs through However, it will give you the ability to add me as a friend, and I you, and from there you can peruse what I have written to your heart's content. :-)

To get to my livejournal page (some posts are public), I have it linked through my blogger page, which you can get to by clicking on my name in this comment, of course. :-)

I'm gald you are doing well. Give my best to Edu and your two boys! I am still smiling after having seen the great photos you posted of your family. You all look so happy together... as it should be.