Sunday, November 25, 2007

FEX part 1

Well, it is time to start packing for FEX. That is where we get to go camping for three weeks and play wargames.
Sounds fun, doesn't it? Well, it can be for the first couple of days, but after that, the lack of sleep starts to catch up to you. That is when you find out how people react in battle stress situations. If my blog doesn't get updated for a couple of weeks after Nov 30, you will know why. It will be because I am at FEX.

1 comment:

Michael said...

We'll be thinking about you, Brett, and hoping for the best.

I suppose that the "war games" is as real as it gets without actually being in live combat.

Good luck, have fun, and hopefully you can get some shut eye... even if the CO has been so impressed that you haven't been getting enough as it is.

Hope you got some sleep over the weekend. You are a great friend... I know that your family must really miss you.

You are providing a great service to this country, Brett; I am so grateful to the choices and sacrifices you and the other servicemen and women have made to protect this great country. No matter how far the media may try to skew the truth, this war in Iraq and Afghanistan has made a lot of difference for the people living in those countries... especially the common people who really suffered under the various regimes of so many power-hungry and cold-minded dictators and twisted leaders.

God speed...