Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Another day, another dollar.

Well, yesterday went pretty good. We formed up, did an inventory of everything that we packed, and then spent the rest of the day doing immediate action drills. It will be so nice when FEX is finally over.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

FEX part 1

Well, it is time to start packing for FEX. That is where we get to go camping for three weeks and play wargames.
Sounds fun, doesn't it? Well, it can be for the first couple of days, but after that, the lack of sleep starts to catch up to you. That is when you find out how people react in battle stress situations. If my blog doesn't get updated for a couple of weeks after Nov 30, you will know why. It will be because I am at FEX.

Friday, November 23, 2007

day after thanksgiving!

Well, it is the day after thanksgiving. Also known as black friday. We have nothing to do today. Only 30 more days and my son will be coming to see me. Yippee! I love him so much, and I miss him a lot. 


Thursday, November 22, 2007


Happy thanksgiving! Gooble, Gooble!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving weekend!

I apologize for not writing, but we have been working long hours to get ready for FEX. Charlie air det (thats us,) has been impressing the CO so much, that he has been tasking us with extra assignments. He says that out of the three air det's, we have been the only air det to take everything seriously. He says that we carry out all the assignments we have been given in a timely manner. That is a two edge sword though. The more we impress the CO, the more he gives us. The more he gives us, the later we stay up. The later we stay up, the less sleep we get. Anyway, happy thanksgiving. Don't eat too much turkey!


Friday, November 16, 2007


today we went on a two mile hike with our armor and our helmets. That armor we wear weighs at least 50 pounds. It is also very hot. We get to wear it again tomorrow. and go on another hike.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Armory.... Again!

Well, today during PT, we ran indian runs. This is where we run in formation, and then the two people from the back peel off, and run to the front. and you keep doing this until you reach the end of the run. It is very hard on you. Especially when you are running 1.5 miles. Anyway, after PT we showered and then we went to the armory and cleaned more M16's. I cleaned 8! they were all pretty much new, and just needed the packing grease cleaned out. It was a lot of fun.....Not! Anyway, these will be the same guns that we will get in Iraq. so we made sure that all the grease was off of them. Well, nothing new to report. See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

M2 50 caliber machine gun.

Today we got to take apart and reassemble the 50 caliber M2 machine gun. Hoo-rah! It was cool. The gun is definately not a carrying gun. It weighs about 75 pounds. It is a rapid fire automatic. It takes belt fed bullets. It can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time. We didn't get to fire it, darn! However, we will probably fire it while we are in Iraq. Anyway My day has been pretty slow. They just have us do alot of busy work. I need to go to PSD and find out what is going on with DEERS. Tricare has rejected my son for some reason, so I need to find out what is going on. See you later.


Saturday, November 10, 2007


Yesterday we went to the range. We shot M16's. Anyway, I qualified. Even though the sun was right in my face, I was still able to qualify. Yippee! Today we went to the armory, and cleaned the weapons. I've gotten pretty good at stripping down an M16 rifle. I can take it apart and put it back together. Anyway, that is all for now. Love you guys, Bye


Thursday, November 8, 2007


We went into the gas chamber today. We were wearing our gas masks, but we had to pull them away from our face, and then clear them again. Let me tell you, that gas stung our eyes. Anyway, that is all I have to say for now, see ya!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

SRT Test.

Well, I took the test in SRT class portion and I got a 90%! I am doing good. Tomorrow we get to go get gassed in the gas chamber with our gas masks. We also get to learn CBR defense. Well, I went and checked everything out, and everything is good to go. When they come out for vacation, we will be all set. Well, talk to you later.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

SRT day 2

Today we covered alot of stuff in SRT training. We covered weapons and radio communications. I found out that my advance should be paying out this thursday or friday. Hooray! and then next week I should get my first check. yes!

Monday, November 5, 2007


Today we had SeRTs training. We covered building a perimeter fenceline, the military code of conduct and fire team structure. SeRT will be a three day class, and then on thursday we have CBR training, then friday, saturday, sunday we will have range time. Those who don't qualify on friday will be doing it saturday, etc. Well, I still haven't got my advance. It better come soon, because I need the money.  I hope that it comes soon. Well, talk to you guys soon. Brett

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Today we have the day off. I was actually able to sleep until 0530. Big whoop. Anyway, I am sitting around reading my e-mails and doing other such things. We have liberty until monday morning. Well, everybody hope you are all good at home, love ya! Brett

Friday, November 2, 2007

Done with NMPS

Well, I am finally done with NMPS (Naval Mobilization Processing Service.) Now I will have the weekend free before we start SRT training next week. Is that cool or what? Anyway, they still haven't got my pay account open, which means that if I don't make the next cut-off, I won't get paid until next month! NOOOOOOOOOO! I need money.  I need to get this stuff in gear. Not only that, but Tricare says that Dustin doesn't have coverage because something happened to DEERS. Now I need to get that taken care of. Auugh! If this keeps happening, this will be the worst deployment ever. (like I would know. This is the first one that I have been on.) Anyway, hopefully, everything will be smooth sailing from here on out.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Well, we went to medical today, and I got just 1 shot instead of the 5. Then we went over to the eye doctor, and I got some new glasses. I thought they were going to be the BC glasses, but they weren't. They were actually pretty nice looking. After that we marched back to our building that we are staying at, and now we are studying our SCWS (Seabee Combat Warfare Specialist.) books. And we are also doing our online courses. Well, I can't believe that it is already Thursday. This building that we are staying in used to be an old warehouse, and the people who have deployed before can't believe how much they have changed the place. They say it is almost like a hotel, what with free wireless internet, computers that you can use, big screen TV's, pool tables, air hockey, XBOX 360's and other amenities that you can use for free. Anyway, I miss all of you guys! Love you, Brett