Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Day 3 October 31, 2007

Well, here it is, day 3 of a 365 day deployment. I had a very hectic 3 days, and we got our new uniforms today. We just need to get the name tags and the navy tags sown on them. We were suppose to go to medical today, however, they were so backed up, that we get to go back tomorrow. Hooray! (just kidding.) I don't really mind shots that much. Anthrax shots are the ones that hurt the worst. Anyway, we are about halfway through the week. Next week we will start SRT training. (SeaBee Readiness Training.) That is where we get to shoot guns on the range. Yeah! Well, The advance pay is not doing so well, in fact, it probably won't pay out until the regular pay does! Well, joy. There is no point in getting an advance if it doesn't pay out until the regular pay! (duh!) Well, anyway, talk to you tomorrow. Brett

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